The Grounds Committee is a sub-committee of the P&C which works in consultation with staff and parents to maintain the school grounds.
Our school is very fortunate to share its grounds with two small remnants of the now endangered Duffy's Forest ecological community. Ecologists have identified some 87 different plants in the front strip and in the northern back corner of the school grounds.
Working Bees
The Grounds Committee organises working bees several times a year to help keep the school grounds in top shape. Working bees not only reduce overall maintenance costs to the school, they also provide a great opportunity to meet other families.
Some working bee tasks include pruning, sweeping, weeding and mowing. Gardening experience is not required! All families are encouraged to attend at least one working bee each year. Details of upcoming working bees are advertised in 'The Billboard' , via our social media and on the P&C Volunteer Sign Up Zone Page: WPS P&C Sign Up Zone.
Vegetable Garden
The school also has a vegetable garden that is maintained regularly by parent and community volunteers once a fortnight on a Friday afternoon for one hour starting at 2pm. If you have some time to spare and would like to do some occasional light gardening, you can sign up by clicking the button bellow.